Commodities Export Development Nigeria

Commodities Export Development Nigeria

For AFEX Nigeria, an innovative commodities exchange connecting smallholder farmers to large scale buyers, we were contracted to develop commodities export with an initial focus on ginger and cocoa.

Based on a thorough due diligence to assess credibility, we generated recommendations to adjust the domestic trading template to export and facilitated market introductions to cocoa and spices buyers.

Value Chain Analyis Specialty Coffee Rwanda

Value Chain Analyis Specialty Coffee Rwanda

CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries) is part of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The mission of CBI is to connect small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries with the European market and so contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth. CBI does this by implementing three to five-year projects in a specific export value chain (VC) in a specific country, focusing on seizing opportunities for exports to Europe and tackling obstacles that hamper or hinder these exports. They are integrated projects, meaning they involve both SME exporters and the enabling environment. CBI develops and implements projects in several consecutive phases.

  1. Value Chain Selection (VCS) phase: based on preliminary research, the most promising value chain in the target country is selected
  2. Business Case Idea (BCI) phase: an initial idea for a project is formulated focusing on the selected value chain
  3. Value Chain Analysis (VCA) phase: an in-depth analysis of the VC is conducted
  4. Business Case phase: a detailed business case for a project is developed
  5. Implementation and Performance Management phase: the project is implemented and the success of the project is monitored
  6. Audit and Evaluation phase: after completion, the project is audited and evaluated.

The objective of the Value Chain Analysis study was to provide answers to the following questions.

  • What does the European export market look like? To confirm findings in the earlier phases of project development and to gain a better understanding of the specific markets and segments a project could focus on.
  • What is the composition of the value chain? Includes an analysis of the key actors, chain supporters and influencers.
  • What are the salient corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues?
  • What are the main opportunities for export to Europe and which obstacles prevent export?
  • What interventions and support activities are needed to seize opportunities and tackle obstacles?
  • How and to what extent will these interventions and support activities help seize opportunities and tackle obstacles?
  • Who can take up which interventions and support activities?
  • What the risks are for a project and how can these risks be mitigated?

The Value Chain Analysis was completed in September 2018, and CBI is currently implementing a specialty coffee program in Rwanda.

Value Chain Analysis for the Coffee Sector in Rwanda (CBI)
Cocoa sustainability management Nigeria & Ghana

Cocoa sustainability management Nigeria & Ghana

The cocoa sector is constantly considering sustainability. Low quality and low yields are a continued focus. Livelihoods, poverty, nutrition and education require attention. Most large chocolate makers have committed to sourcing 100% certified as sustainable in 2020. Many of these end buyers require increased volumes of certified cocoa, while considering their impact targets beyond 2020. All international traders and several local exporters have partnered with these large chocolate brands for sustainable impact.

Through our consulting branch in Nigeria, we support implementers throughout West Africa in designing the project objectives, organization structure, traceability procedures and budget. We are working as a project liaison monitoring progress and impact. We have analysed the project baseline, and are monitoring progress. We identify any project risks that might affect certification status, our outreach targets and our credibility. We look for opportunities to increase impact.

We integrate sustainable impact with commercial objectives. Since 2016, we have supported our clients and partners who have reached out to a significant number of farmers across West Africa, and the numbers and impact keep expanding annually. UTZ certification was obtained, and the field presence is leveraged to increase impact on livelihoods.

Coffee export capability Burundi & Rwanda

Coffee export capability Burundi & Rwanda

TWIN in partnership with Trade Mark East Africa (TMEA) implemented a two year project to strengthen export capabilities of twenty coffee cooperatives in Rwanda and Burundi with a specific focus on supporting cooperatives in: attaining certification, increasing access to Specialty Coffee markets, improving quality of the coffee produced and developing a traceability programme for coffee grown by women.

This export capabilities study identifies actors, value addition, financial analysis, market demands and the enabling environment. We have assessed the export capability of each of twenty coffee cooperatives on a range of indicators, leading to a segmentation. Furthermore, we identified general trends in export opportunities and challenges for both origins.

Even though Burundi has very high quality coffee according to buyers, there are still a lot of basics that need to be covered to be able to market the coffee successfully. Major challenges still exist in logistics, speed, traceability, reliability of pre-shipment samples, communication and marketing.

Rwanda is seen as well-organised and it is a coffee of good quality, there are certain constraints put forward by the buyers with regards to the marketing of the coffee. Flavour is not as unique and other differentiation is needed to compete in the specialty segment. Cooperatives are not always able to provide reliable pre-shipment samples and have limited knowledge of the market and pricing.

Coffee export capability assessment Burundi & Rwanda (TWIN-TMEA)